Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Ever Problematized Diet

The Ever Problematized Diet

     Consciously or not, human beings are judgmental by nature. By judgmental, I don't just pertain to the iniquitous behavior we have towards a living or nonliving thing, but also the survival part of it. When man was given a land, he did not know how to cook at once. Therefore, the berries and fruits were the only things he could eat. For the man not to get sick, he needed to judge every food he ingested or else his survival will not be guaranteed.

     From that era, man has come a long way. Now foods are being cooked, ingredients are bought in the market, fire was discovered, and many others. The difference of then and now is the accessibility of foods. Today, we can just call and have someone deliver us our food, which one of the main reasons why man put on weight easier now. This brings us to the most problematized predicament of most people today, DIET.

     Diet, a word that probably isn't unheard of in this day and age. It is a period filled with temptations within your reach yet unreachable. Control is crucial. If it sounds gory to you, then have no doubt it really is! However, when you've achieved your goal, nothing can make you feel more pleased and proud of yourself. 

    Diet.... does it really end? Most would say that it is just a point of time in their life, but do you really think so? If you have achieved your dream body does it end there? Diet is not just "a point of time" in your life. Diet is a lifestyle. Reaching the goal isn't the end, it leads you to the last phase of dieting, which is maintenance.

     A misconception regarding diet is that people think that when you're on a diet, you're not allowed to indulge. Fact is, you are allowed to, BUT in moderation. You should know how much is too much and how seldom is moderate. Some quotes would say that you should be contented with what you are now, but should you be contented when you know that your life may be on the risk? Foods have become more palatable throughout the years, leading people to indulge in the joys of it, but remember that in everything moderation is the key.